Health professionals consider cancer, diabetes and several other mental and physical health issues such as depression, lethargic attitude, to deficiencies in fitness and well-being of a person. Unhealthy and unfit lifestyle of a person also results in premature death. Obesity and lack of physical fitness in young generation sets the stage for diabetes, heart disease, and other serious health problems.
Walking, running, cycling, playing, swimming, gardening, skipping, weightlifting and yoga are some of the important activities which help us maintain fit and healthy lifestyle. A person who is fit both physically and mentally is strong enough to face the ups and downs of life and is not affected by drastic changes in the circumstances.
One should also spend time outdoors in the sun, inhaling fresh air and taking part in healthy activities. Staying active makes you stay energetic.
Out of the several components that affect one's health, following are the seven key physical components to ensure the overall good health, fitness and mental wellbeing:
1. Cardiovascular/Aerobic conditioning
2. Strength Training and muscular development
3. Stretching- Muscles, Ligaments and tendons
4. Core Stability -Both physical and mental
5. Nutrition and supplementation -balanced diet
6. Mental Rest and Relaxation- balanced lifestyle
7. Sleep- Regular sleep